

很高兴收到一个好友的结婚照片,真要谢谢体贴的HY。从来没有见过他打呔,更何况是礼服!还不错嘛,他幸福的样子肯定是全场最耀眼的。看到一些好久没见的老朋友,心里有点感触,很想对他们大声的说Hi,好想你们喔。那些照片都好温馨,又 cute,哎哟!又发乡思病了!

收到 Mei 的 Email,说她正蜜运着,我说美丽的女人都有权享受美好的人或事。她是一个近绝种的好女人,好运当然会 follow her 啦。前些日子,还担心她会为一些事烦恼,看来爱情真伟大。希望 Hoon & Pung 都开心,虽然好久没见,不管什么样,我们都是最最好的朋友!你们撇不走我的啦!

再过两个月就是离校十周年,唉,我们都被逼变熟女了。但只要心里还保持着年轻的心,我们永远都是年轻人,是吗!去宴会最头痛的就是穿什么衣,什么时候我们也可以洋派点,jeans 也可以见得了人吧!不过还真期待好久没见的老朋友,或许有些名字会忘了,但你们的样子决不陌生。朋友就算是好久不见,也能一见面就说个不停的。毕竟是十周年,希望大家都能抽空来八一下嘛!那晚的话题应该就谁谁变漂亮了,谁谁结婚了,又谁谁生了孩子吧。

可能近新年了,心也开朗起来了。与 ah boy 之间的问题很少会拖到明天,一定要解决了才可以睡觉;公事上的烦事,我一下 Taxi 就不想了,反正老板不会给你OT的。希望大家每天都开开心心,船到桥头自然直,工作上有什么烦恼,明天再想吧!明天一样有蓝天。


Superstition? Timid?

People said Cantonese are more superstition, don't know how true is it, but I admit I'm quite superstition - By the way, I'm Cantonese.

Since I was a kid, I used to hear the bedtime story. Your bedtime maybe is Snow White or Cinderella, but mine was 18 tier hell story. Still recall I was slept with my young aunt, this was one of her educational method to teach me not to lie and be good. This may not be recommended, in fact, every time I think of telling a big lie, the picture of man's tongue being stabbed will rise in my mind.

I admit that I'm a timid sheep, I afraid of every thing. I afraid of insect, afraid of animal except my puppy. You may guess I of course afraid of those "unseen thing". But life such a game, my job is meant to travel around, and staying alone in the hotel. People who know me would surprise that how could a girl like me could stand to stay in the hotel alone! Frankly speaking, I could never imagine that I could cope with it as well. If my house has a power cut, I'm the first one scream and yell for help. Funny is even my sister is braver and always look for me.

Still recall the first time watching horror movie at cinema with my best friends. There were 4 girls, we fought for sitting in the middle, we crouched our feet and shrink into oneself. None of us has actually watched all scenes, in fact most of time, we had covered our eyes. We don't even dare to lay down the feet to leave the cinema. At least we can tell that we ever watch horror movie in cinema, and the price paid was Mei's blouse sleeves being torn after dragging by us - was that me? Can't remember though =P

I always obey those rules or "pantang larang" that help me for staying "safe" in hotel. But I hate to receive friends' forwarded mail that reminding me the "possible risk" or anything regards this sensitive matter. Thanks for your kindness, but please keep it for yourselves, I think my awareness should be enough to help.

I believe in fortune telling, but I don't like to get to know my future or preexistence. What if he says that I will go through a tough life, a predestined fate, I really don't know what to do with it, cause I may believe it. The most I can accept is the fortune sticks (求签). Once a year, my family will go pray in a same locally famous temple. Believe it or not, the fortune sticks I got from that temple is quite accurate.

When I was going to have my SPM, the fortune stick told me that no matter how hard work I am, I will not get a satisfied result. This was quite a big impact for me, but I didn't give up, I work harder and harder, try to change my fate. The result? It's true, I didn't get my satisfied result. My sister had a good fortune, it says that she can just take it easy, the result will always satisfactorily. And, it's true, she never expect she can get that good result.

I'm not advice the parents to bring their kid to fortune teller, we know that they kindness and favor, but they may not expect how could it impact them. You can take it positively or as an advice, but don't quit because you think that is your fate.

Heard from a radio station, Annie's mother took her for a fortune-telling while she was a kid. She had been told that she will not have a long lasting relationship, and will be blessedness if she married to an elder. Whenever she ended a relationship, she resigned that is her fate because the pursuer is young or same age as her. Mother's favor was not helping, and Annie took it seriously, it becomes a curse to her life. She is now with a married coach.

I think she takes that fortune-telling as an excuse for her mistake. She can choose her path and decide her own fate. I like the 90/10 Principle forwarded from my friend. It says 10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react. We really have no control over 10% of what happens to us. The other 90% is different. YOU determine the other 90%. Annie cannot control over what would fortune-teller says, but she can decide how to manage her relationship, how to say NO to that married coach and most important, say NO to herself.

Superstition or not? I believe in good fortune, and feel confidence in my life. But I will never give in to a bad fortune and always try to fight for better. Do you agree with me?




中学时期,我很活跃于学会团体活动。象牙塔时期也参与了很多大大小小的训练营和迎新活动。可笑的是,除了一起参与活动的朋友外,大多数的 coursemate 都不知道有我这个人存在。还有人在 Graduate Night 问我那一年的!我是那个比 lecturer 早一步到课室,比 lecturer 迟一步走的人,反正长得又不是很有印象,所以看到我在上课的就只有我那 gang 人而已。可能刚入学第一年时被超 kiasu 的 coursemate 伤害过 = ( 所以蛮抗拒去认识人. 不过还好认识一些可爱的 coursemate, 如 ZYing, KJiew, KKwang, YMoi 等等啦,没有他们,日子还真难过的。一些不熟的看到我在活动的样子,还真吓到原来我不是想象中的淑女, 是 siao 女 *o*

出来社会工作,同事也觉得我蛮双性的。我可以静静的一个人做工,静到可以除了 say morning, bye,或 meeting,其他时候我的金口还真的蛮实的。老板都顶不顺, 说我 interview 时,感觉很 talkative 的,说被我骗了。Sorry lah, 我双性的。鬼佬做事都比较 flexible,我那个英国老板喜欢 face to face,必要时才会用 email。他很喜欢坐在 Coffee Bean meeting,因为他说这样我比较多话。我的美国 Senior 更加坐不住,过段时间就会过来撩我讲话。No choice,部门开始时只有我们三个人 *_* 老板最喜欢带我们去 pub “keng kai” ,因为我喝酒过后更多话讲,haha。过后与其他部门同事熟了之后,潜在的疯颠才充分发挥,总是让 pantry 充满笑声。

到了深圳工作,除了上下班,买日常用品外,其他时候我都可以呆在家里。还记得中国国庆,休息了4天,我一步都没有出过家门。吃?外卖会送到你门口,不用出门的啦!台湾人把这种足不出门的人叫御宅女,我好象也蛮严重的。最近迷上了 Maple online game,看来我的御宅细胞还会日益增加哦!




这几天,公事压得我透不过气,真想打包回Penang, 吃一碗花生多多, 不要红豆的红豆冰, 那有多爽啊! 回家路途在Taxi 里不想说话,刚好电台播着一个倾诉节目。平时不对这类节目有很大的兴趣,因为有些主持人的答复都很敷衍,但她的狠狠话还是吸引了我。

女孩的第三者身份并不值得大惊小怪, 反正深圳都有二奶村, 第三者和黑市夫人大有人在. 只是23岁的她, 现在已有 5 个月身孕的她已经为 "男朋友" 怀了三次孕, 还真吓人的. 心深处, 感觉她似乎把孩子当成她的筹码, 但这种事毕竟成功率还蛮低, 男人没有为此而离婚, 她都快崩溃了。主持人的反应很激烈, 责骂她不该连累那无辜的孩子。我觉得主持人说了好多重点, 也让我对她们的想法有深一层的了解。

支持人:你要爱得你死我活, 爱得轰轰烈烈, 或是玉石俱焚都可以, 只要不连累无辜的人就好了!


女孩:身边的人都在骂我, 可是我也是受害者啊!
支持人:不要说自己是受害者, 你有深爱过, 付出过, 也享受其中的过程, 这是你的决定, 没有人逼你爱上那男人. 所以别人可以说你是受害者, 你不可以认为自己是受害者.


女孩:不知道别人知道后会怎么看我, 会怎么说我.
支持人:你要做非主流的事, 你有勇气走和别人不同的路, 你真的在意别人会怎么说, 怎么想吗? 你已经为你的决定承担了后果, 已经受了折磨, 已经痛苦过了, 别人的谴责相比之下又算得了什么?


我并不赞同他们的做法, 但也同情他们的遭遇, 毕竟谁不想心爱的人只对自己好呢, 再说好女人/ 好男人越来越少了. 我们心疼他们当第三者的痛苦, 但其实他们也享受其中的过程。一只手掌拍不响, 婚外情或移情别恋这回事从来都是两个人(at least)的事, 大家都要负责, 你觉得呢?

不止一次听到别人说, 总觉得别人的老婆/ 老公比较好, 所以我觉得已婚的人克制力必须要很强。老实说我觉得很少 (很少, 并不代表没有) 男人可以抵挡得了女人投怀送抱, 只要女人不是 "惨不忍睹" , 男人应该很难say no吧? 所以兄弟姐妹们, 还是尽量不要让他们有太多的机会去接受这种考验. 受诱惑的机会少, 犯错的机会当然也少了。

两人之间有什么意见, 攤开来讲会比较好, 但说话的语气很重要。如果亲声细语就可以达到效果, 我尽量不会来硬的。我的爱情史并不多, 但对于人与人之间的相处, 还是蛮了解的. 如果有什么可以分享的, 或让我多了解两性的, email我啦, 或许可以帮你或我自己出一点小点子, 促进之间的感情也不错。

愿祝天下有情人总成眷属! (If you have more than one sweetie, then Good Luck!)